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Taipei Zoo - 110th Anniversary in 2024: "Devoting to Rewilding"

Taipei Zoo - 110th Anniversary in 2024:

The zoo's theme for this year is “Devoting to Rewilding” focusing on 13 key conservation species. These include native Taiwanese wildlife such as the Taipei Frog, Chinese Pangolin, Leopard Cat, Eurasian Otter, and Formosan Black Bear; Asian species like the Malay Tapir, Malayan Tiger, Asian Elephant, Red Panda, and the Roti Snake-necked Turtle; as well as internationally cooperative species such as the Western Lowland Gorilla, the Vietnam Pheasant, and the Koala.To highlight the importance of habitat conservation, the zoo's 110th-anniversary visual imagery features diverse forest and aquatic habitats that support biodiversity.

The zoo continues to restore wildlife and their habitats while actively promoting in-situ and ex-situ conservation efforts. It aims to provide high-quality care for animals and meaningful experiences for visitors, working in partnership with global conservation organizations to reverse the trend of species endangerment and bring back their wildness.