From now on until March 2023, the Taipei Zoo held a special exhibition on dragonflies in the Insectarium.
The exhibition is the first special exhibition featuring dragonflies in Taiwan. It includes five themes: an introduction to dragonflies, the life cycle of a dragonfly, secrets of dragonfly behavior, dragonfly watching, dragonfly conservation as well, adding that it would hopefully expose visitors to in-depth information on dragonflies.
Of the nearly 7000 species of dragonflies in the world, there are 161 species in Taiwan. Taipei Zoo has recorded observations on 87 species, accounting for more than half of dragonfly species in Taiwan. This exhibition highlights many dragonfly specimens from Taiwan and the world, including the oldest specimen of this insect: adult Epiophlebia and nymph of the dragonfly.
Besides the rich specimens and a thorough introduction to ecological knowledge of dragonflies, there are also outdoor viewing areas in Children’s Zoo, Insectarium, and Insect Track. So visitors can go outdoors and learn to be dragonfly experts after visiting indoor exhibitions.