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Pet Insects – This Month's Feature is the "Beetle"

Starting now until December 31, 2009, the Taipei Zoo has on exhibit at the Insectarium a series of “My Cute Baby – the Pet Insect Exhibition”, introducing the ways on how to conduct scientific and ecological Observations, the correct understanding one should have about insects, and to promote to the public educating them about insect biodiversity and conservation. It is important to know that insects protected by the law are not to be kept as pets.

“My Cute Baby – the Pet Insect Exhibition” presents different types of pet insects via “The Star of the Month” format. The first star leading off the series is the beetle. There are seven live display cases showcasing rhinoceros beetles and stag beetles. There are also specimen samples plus many foreign beetles on display as well.

Find your food like a rhinoceros beetle does

Find your food like a rhinoceros beetle does

Imagine yourself as a stag beetle

Imagine yourself as a stag beetle